Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Musings Of An Arthritic

I woke up before Jeff this morning, his alarm ringing sometime around 4am. I couldn't fall back asleep either, so I got up with him. My knee was aching. The pharmacy screwed up my Enbrel order so I missed last weeks dose. It's special order so I have to send in the prescription a few days ahead of time and can do this online. All last week it said pending and then Monday it said cancelled...grrr. My point is it's almost two weeks since my last injection and I have minor swelling in my knee today. Jeff will be stopping to pick it up today as it's finally ready this morning.

All this and the Vertigo has got me searching Arthritis forums, I actually joined one this morning. I've been having shortness of breath and then I get paranoid as I know RA can effect the lungs, eyes, etc... I'm sure I am just being paranoid but I can't help myself as I am my own best advocate/enemy...haha.

I then started looking at my old Chatterbox entry on my life with RA. I posted it on the arthritis forum as I thought someone might get a kick out of it. Hopefully they don't think I'm some vain nutball. Well, at least not until they get to know me cuz I probably am! Seriously when I started reading the comments and how it touched those without a chronic disease, I thought maybe those who are living it will find it amusing and maybe even helpful too!

For any of you who don't know what album I am talking about, and may want to read/view it here it is. It is loaded backwards in the gallery so work your way back from the bottom.

In other news, said while tapping papers on desk and turning to camera 2, I went to the chiropractor yesterday under the suspicion the vertigo could be neck pain related. Immediately the doc said my neck was swollen and iced it. I hate ice. He said the relation was very possible. I'm feeling a bit better today but after my relapse on Monday (tried finishing another TT layout which seemed to trigger neck pain, nausea and more spinning. Seems the looking down for 45 minutes was not a good thing) I called Eileen and said it was unlikely I would be able to finish all the assignments I over zealously took on. So today I will mostly focus on house cleaning as we leave for Austin on Sat and the house needs to be clean for my MIL when she comes to check on her furry little grandchildren!

Enjoy your humpday!

**Humpday= Wednesday for all you dirty minds out there. Shame on you!


Anonymous said...

Wednesday!?! Damn! I knew it sounded too good to be true.

Anonymous said...

you do crack me up, danae! i'm sorry you have to go through all of this, but at least you maintain your sense of humor and creativity!

Jessie said...

hey danea! i miss you!!
hope all is good :)

Anonymous said...

My poor baby. I wish I could take it all away. I love you, mommy

Missy said...

uuuuggghhh when are you coming home?