Friday, June 08, 2007

Something To Look Forward too...

I spoke with Miss Jessie (click on her name to check out this girls amazing photography!)on the phone this morning. It's been a while since we've had a chance to catch up. She gave me wonderful breastfeeding and baby advice which is always nice. But what I found most amusing about our conversation was when it was interrupted by her 4 year old son. This is what I over heard from my end:

Jessie: "Could you please hold for a moment Danea?"

Me: "Sure"

Jessie To Her Son: "Why are you covered in chocolate?" Pause. "Did you make chocolate milk? Did your sister make you chocolate milk?" Pause. "What's with all the money in your hand, and WHERE are all your clothes?"

Me: Laughing at that visual.

Jessie To Me: "Seriously, he is standing here in only his underwear, covered in chocolate with about 18 quarters in his hand." In her humorous tone to both her son and I..."Really I don't know what this is, what, what does this mean?"

LOL. If nothing else, kids are entertaining and these silly moments are what I look forward to. So thanks again Jessie for the advice and the laugh...hehe.


cari said...

Hey, so when is this munchkin due anyways?

christina said...

i can't stop laughing LMAO that is sooo freakin hilarious. AHHHHHHH GOTTA LOVE EM LMAO

Jessie said...

*snerk* hahahaha