Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

From my lil' American man...

And then there is this one that reminds me of 194o's for some reason...haha.

Photos were taken on the hood of daddy's car. The second one, I was by myself and too paranoid he was going to suddenly lunge forward and fall off, so I scratched doing anymore. When I saw this and the flag I new it was worth taking more so I made Jeff go out with me the next day to be my spotter, hence the two different shirts. ;) I also played with more filters and textures.

Have a great day everyone!


Susanne P. said...

...and the infamous tongue! lol way cute pics. that second one is great.

happy 4th!

Devon said...

too cute!! I love his hair, lol. And that tongue, too funny!!

Anonymous said...

have a good 4th of July. HHHMMM he didn't cry with that flag? LOL Gramma

Danea Burleson said...

Ah, that's cuz it wasn't actually touching him...hehehe.

SplendidlyImperfect said...

That was my first thought... no smart ass comments from Jeff? hee hee! ( I married a smart ass too.)