Friday, September 28, 2007


Say it isn't so.

I can't believe it. My own flesh & blood, the son of a photography enthusiast & lover of photos, will not allow me to take portrait style pictures of him. Sigh.

When I first found out I was pregnant, I will admit the thought of having my very own, black and white, sweet sleeping baby photos(note I did not use an apostrophe..haha), was very exciting. And the fact that I could do them all myself was even more appealing. Well unfortunately my kid won't be havin it! Nope, I have tried twice, once when he was about 3 weeks and again the other day. Oh and I was prepared too. I removed his clothing & diaper as to not have elastic lines, wrapped him in a blanket and patiently waited for him to fall asleep. He's a good sleeper so I wasn't worried about stirring him when I placed him face down on my dining room table, my make shift "studio". Oh but I should have been. I knew he didn't like tummy time but I was really hoping this attempt would be different. Not so.

The second I laid him down he woke and started crying. He's not normally a fussy baby, not at all, so this was an obvious dislike to the situation! There was no tucking his bent little legs beneath him, no resting his head on his pudgy little arm as he slept peacefully. In fact there was no sweetly curled up baby shot at all.What I had was an out stretched and very angry child. That cute little baby bum shot is not so cute when the boy sprawls his legs in discontent and shows the world his package. That aint pretty OR cute!

Finally after about 20 minutes of failed attempts at cute poses, he took solace in sucking on his hand and I took this opportunity to place those pretty little angle wings on his back. BIG mistake! He screamed bloody murder and I quickly snatched them off, and flipped them over in search of the attached razor blades that I had apparently overlooked. I found nothing pokey of any sort. A few moments later he was calm, so I gently laid them on his back once again. To my dismay, the same screaming reaction. Baffled, I figured he must be the Devils spawn and the angel wings were burning his tender flesh...haha. Of course I am kidding here, but if you saw the reaction, it was pretty funny and this scenario, quite fitting. Ah Hell(pun intended) just take a look at one of the pics. This was the only picture that wasn't completely blurry do to his spastic movements and desperation to get the wings off his back...

Oh well, he's my little angel, wings or not!

Now in my stubbornness to not have wasted 40 minutes of my time I turned him on his back to which he seemed relieved and I took a few more pictures. Nothing more interesting then a few face shots but I at least have a couple more pictures of my genetically stubborn little man. Maybe we'll try again next week.

Or not.

Asa watching mommy take pictures...

What he really thinks about it all...haha.

Gotta love Photoshop...


Susanne P. said...

love the tongue stickin' out. what a silly little man. maybe the table was too hard on his tummy for tummy time?

the wings are cute. that pic turned out OK. run with it. i know you, you can make it work.

Danea Burleson said...

I thought of that so he was on big fluffy towel. When that didn't work I put a mini boppy under him. That's what he is on in these pics. :)

strawberrygirl said...

Oh Danea...the tongue one is just so cute!!!!! LOL:)

I think he looks so much like Jeff in the angel one....

christina said...

ROFLMAO omg i love how you tell a story LOL. well i think all the pics are cute and so funny he is so stubborn. hmmm i wonder where he gets that from? my fav is the tongue one LOL he is sooo stinkin CUTE

Anonymous said...

You guys are just *so* darn cute & happy with your new little man ~ I sure do miss ya though! =D

- Val