Thursday, November 08, 2007

Teehehe...Look Who's 3!

3 months that is, this is him chillin' in his swing this afternoon.(doing this bottom lip sucking thing...LOL) Yup, today our baby is 3 months old. Waaaaahhh, I want time to slow down a bit, it's all going so fast! I was pulling out sleepers from his drawer that he never even got to wear cuz he grew so darn fast! Time to hit the onsie drawer for sorting...sigh. But on another note I think he may finally be slowing down as he is still in the 14lb range. In fact I think he has lost a few ounces as we know he was actually over the 15 lb mark last week. Huh?

So where's he at developmentally wise? Last Friday he started laughing, but he's only done it a few times now. Talk about making your heart sing! He smiles all the time and loves having his diaper changed. He still hates tummy time so I have been worried about upper body strength but he seems pretty strong when you hold him and can hold his head up for a couple minutes at a time before he really starts to wobble or needs a break. Just depends on his position.

I would love to write more but I have lots of work still to do, so I need to run. Thankfully all my work will be done by Monday and I can get back to blogging!


Susanne P. said...

i told you there were too many clothes in that drawer that i could barely open. you are right...time to purge some of those clothes. box them up for the next baby.

he is getting so big. doesn't even look like the little guy i left. he didn't much care for tummy time then either. he will get his upper body strength other ways.

you're such a good mama.

Anonymous said...

Hi Danea,
My baby was 17 yesterday, cant beleieve it. My mom said they grow before your eyes and then their all grown up, I wish I would of scrapbooked then and kept a diary. Hope you have great holidays as they are approaching so soon. Take care Pam(from Albany)

Devon said...

He's so stinkin cute!! I just love him.

Anonymous said...

It breaks my heart not to be with him. He is so cute!

Genevieve said...

I gave away some clothes Reagan never wore. I should have known better already going through the exact same thing with my son. Oh well! He's so darn cute! He looks a lot like Daddy!