So Asa has taken to squeaking. Yup, tiny girly little squeaks and squawks. It's the funniest and cutest thing albeit a wee bit feminine, it's a good thing he's a baby. We've had a few good laughs at him sounding a bit sissy like, I even heard Jeff ask him if he "needed to go buy him some pink sleepers" Haha. Poor kid, he doesn't stand a chance and I sure hope that he'll be able to keep the in bread sarcasm in check when he starts school.
Now to add to our little girls, oops I mean boys, feminine side, I purchased him some Babylegs. The flames and skulls in the "Funky" section are on my want list and there is another pair called Flagger that totally fits our airplane theme...haha. I did some searching and found a couple cute pairs on eBay for a great price. Now in all fairness, I don't think they're girly, but Jeff feels I am leading him down the "Gay" road. Personally I believe one is born gay so I don't think baby leg warmers will have any effect on his future preferences. Besides these things are just so cool, and cute and convenient. Plus, he seems to like them. So, HA Daddy! I have a feeling they may become a bit of an addiction. But I am going to try and make some myself, I will post my efforts another time.
For now here is my squeaky man and his baby legs...Oh, he's wearing the Argyle legs in the video...hehe. I just wish I could find him another black skull onsie to wear with them.
P.S. To his Grandma's...if you happen to find any teal, turquoise or lime green onsies during your travels kiddo could use some to match these puppies..LOL. (he's wearing 12-18m, so 18 is the safer. ;)

P.P.S What do you guys think about my new signature? I will be going with that name when I start my business. I know you can't see the scrappetite in some but that was just laziness.
those are cute baby legs!!! i need to get some for talan. i love the signature!
(fyi...i used to paint ashtons nails/toenails. he would ask me to. then my husband came home and now he is all boy.)
I have baby legs for Mark - and they've ended being the perfect thing for Brian's one leg now - he can't wear pants for 6 weeks, but baby legs totally cut it!
OMG...down the gay road! I almost spit when I read that. I think they are super cute.
so my grandson will be a gay dancer??? LOL Mopm
Dont listen, they hardly make him look gay! Just a little fruity.
Uncle d
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