Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Two posts in one day. Ha!

I should be in bed but I just don't feel tired yet. To much on my mind I guess.

I joined a site called Pinkle Toes 4 Photographers. It wasn't cheap but it's already a wealth of information! I'm so excited about it and can't stop reading. I have even played with a story board template regardless of not knowing what to do with it now that it's done...LOL. But to be honest right now I am feeling a bit nervous. Why? Because I know there are going to be some people on that board that are also on 2p's and I dread the thought of them making that connection and possibly judging me like some of those other ladies did. I know it's stupid to think about but I am not this horrible "rude" and "arrogant" person they said I am. It bugs me. It's hurtful and I want things to be different on this board. It's not a nasty board at all and everyone seems really nice, I just don't want the association. I guess it boils down to being a bit gun shy after my last experience with a forum. Silly, I know.

Huh, as soon as I typed that out, my eyes got heavy, guess maybe that was bothering me the most and I just needed to get it off my chest. Oh and here's that storyboard I was talking about. This was just a quick play, left the background white, not sure about keeping the date on it, but it sure was fun to do!

**Note: It's a 10x20, and when you click to enlarge it you can't see the edges...haha. Oh well, just imagine it with that grey line around it in this small version. ;)


SplendidlyImperfect said...

I find that for the most part, people sink to the level of their surroundings. It's easier to be mean to someone if someone else was mean first. Mob mentality. I would think that if the new board is nice in general, then "bi-boardal" peas would probably be better behaved there than they would in pea land, if that makes sense.

Susanne P. said...

i was thinking the same thing as Sara. i bet these ladies would shut them down if they started crap. don't worry about it.

the story board is great. that yellow in those pictures is so cool. i hope Angela can find something like that for Bailey's senior pictures next month.

Devon said...

I love the storyboard!! I agree with Sara and Susanne, I think 2p's is fed on mob mentality. It's easier to be rude and mean when you know there are people that will follow.

Renee' Morris-Dezember said...

Oh Danea don't let what the 2peas people did stop you! Your story board is amazing I LOVE IT!!! tfs

Shelley said...

Ahem...A wise doctor once said:

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

Okay, so it was Dr.'s still good advice! :o)

Love your story book with the adorable pictures of Asa!!